Less is more---Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe
Muxin Design Studio located in Shanghai has recently completed an office in Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park.The client asks for an office that has enough function and enjoyments in limited budget and space which is approximatedly 78 square meters.To avoid an impression of a traditional solemn office,the studio aims to make full use of space as well as create a variety of gray areas.The minimalism monochrome style is not only under the economical consideration,but also fits the modern and high-tech esthetic of an IT company.The studio also adds wooden bay windows that incorporates a stroke of natural warm color,providing a relaxing reading and comminucating environment for staff members.Glass walls maximizes the transparency of the whole space,making every part has easy visual access to another and the identity of each room blurred so that expand vision in the office.
总部位于上海的目心设计研究室最近完成了位于张江高科的一个办公项目。客户的要求很简单:“我们希望这个78平米办公室能以最低的预算满足足够多的功能空间,并充满趣味性。” 为了消除办公空间以往严肃紧张的固有印象,我们在平面功能最大化的基础上, ,营造丰富的灰空间,黑白极简的设计语言在节省造价的同时完美契合了IT公司的现代感与科技感,而木质的飘窗是整个黑白空间的一抹暖色,在有限的面积中为员工营造了轻松的阅读与交流空间.丰富的玻璃隔断形成通透的空间,相互贯穿,模糊了空间属性,从而削弱小空间带来的局促感。

The architects designed a vision part for the client, including the LOGO wall, decoration on the glass walls and so on. Visitors can be brought into the meeting room from the left side, while the staffs can enter from another door.
The glass walls make the office a transparent space and make every part link together, which reduces the sense of narrowness.
The architects add in the element of glass in the whole space, in order to reduce the sense of narrowness.
The well-arranged black-and-white patterns create the sense of ample space, and the application of glass walls meets the daylighting requirement as well as reduces the sense of narrowness from limited room.
The neat and clean tea room offers the staffs a relaxing atmosphere.
The wooden bay windows add a warm tone to the whole black-and white space.
The comfortable bay windows form the reading and communication area. The staffs can watch the scenes outside, read books and drink tea here. It is definitely a highlighted design to add a relaxing atmosphere in this men’s office.
The cacti named “Kylin” represent the enterprise spirit of self-improvement and advance with the times.
The designers are willing to handle in the whole thus try to do the whole designing about the project, including architectural, interior, industrial and graphic design. So the studio also provide “INTOO” some other designs which will be useful in the future, such as the LOGO, notebooks, rulers, business cards, badges and so on.
Project address: Pudong District Shanghai
Project type: Office design
Design content: Interior design
Area: 78 ㎡
Design time: Nov 2015-Dec 2015
Construction time: Dec 2015-Feb 2016
Design team: Zhang Lei, Sun Haochen, Ouyangboyong
Photographer: Zhang Daqi